The answer is a C. The offsprings from this generation are from a cross between parents who are heterozygous (one parent) and homozygous recessive. This means that all the offsprings of the filial 1 (one) generation will carry a recessive allele. However, those with an equivalent dominant allele will not exhibit the attached earlobe trait. This is shown by the Punnet square below;
The waiting room became the conditioned stimulus.
Conditioned stimulus is the reflexive behaviors or the learned behavior.
This stimulus may be defined as a neutral stimulus that with some time and some training will evoke a response by continuously being associated with any other natural occurring stimulus.
<h2>Have a common understanding in the classification of organisms</h2>
- Taxonomy plays an important role in the classification of organisms to study the organisms on the basis of their properties.
- Taxonomy is a branch of biological science that explains the identification, characterization, naming and classification of the organisms thus it is helpful to understand the different types of organisms that are present in the biosphere.
- Taxonomy makes the scientist come on one point about the unknown organisms according to morphology, anatomy, physiology and some other properties of the organisms.
- Thus a common understanding is generated among scientists of the world.