Motivation is the internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior.
Motivation is the internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior.
In an organization or a company; motivational always plays very important role in employee life cycle. If we define motivation, it is effected by employee morale which tends to the employee's feelings about the job, his superiors and co worker and the company itself. These factors in a job like Motivation, morale and job satisfaction are closely related.
When put against the wind
Dunes form when wind blows sand into a sheltered area behind an obstacle. Dunes grow as grains of sand accumulate. Every dune has a side that faced the wind, and a side that is protected from the wind.
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How Photography Became an Art Form
Can Computers Create Art? Part 1
Aaron Hertzmann
Aaron Hertzmann
Jul 23, 2018·9 min read
This is the first part of a series of posts on the topic of whether computers can create art, adapted from my longer essay on that topic. For lessons from the past about AI and art, perhaps no invention is more significant than photography. This first essay addresses the question: How did photography become respected as an art form, and what lessons does this hold for new artistic AI technologies?
Prior to the invention of photography, realistic images of the world could only be produced by skilled artists. In today’s world, we are so swamped with images that it is hard to imagine just how special and unique it must have felt to see a well-executed realistic painting. And the skills of professional artists had steadily improved over the centuries; by the 19th-century, artists such as the Pre-Rafaelites and the French Neoclassicists have achieved dazzling visual realism in their work.
The technical skills of realism were inseparable from the other creative challenges in making images. This changed when photography automated the task of producing images of the real world.
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religion is an example of trading and fashion
Hohokam and Anasazi, grew corn,beans and squash