Ruby eats two slices of pie
Fraction generally represents a part of the whole. The number present in the upper side is called as numerator and the number present below is called as denominator. Fraction can also be represented as a decimal or percentage when required.
Fraction of pie Ruby ate = 1/5
Number of slices present in the pie = 10
numerical value of a fraction = fraction x total number
So, total number of slices of pie that Ruby ate = 10 x 1/5 = 2
Therefore, Ruby eats two slices of pie.
Ruby ate 1/5 of a pie and if there was 10 slices of pie, it implies Ruby eats two slices of pie.
To learn more about fraction refer here
Multiply/divide both sides by the same non-zero constant
Step-by-step explanation:
5x = 20
Divide each side by 5
5x/5 = 20/5
x = 4
ANSWER: 0.64 cents
EXPLANATION: 0.49x1.31 = 0.6419 = 0.64
Step-by-step explanation:
3526.49 12.64 0.21
I hope this helps
Step-by-step explanation:
you divide 1/2 by 3 to 0.16666666 but it would recuce to 0.16