Divided government.
A divided government is a kind of administration in presidential systems when the power of the executive branch and the legislative branch is divided into two parties. Moreover, in semi-presidential arrangements, when the executive branch itself is divided between two parties.
Under the division of powers model, the state is separated into various branches. Each department is independent having separate powers and divisions of responsibility so that the authorities of one branch should not in dispute with the powers correlated with the other department.
The correct answer c my peeps
I think professor
As i can guide my students in a correct path
I would say “He went to a masquerade every night, made kites out of five-pound notes, and threw pieces of gold into the sea instead of stones, making ducks and drakes of them.”
shows that he is oblivious and irresponsible, squandering his money freely and literally throwing it away. It is until he ends up with nothing and no one, does he truly understand how lucky he was. (I don’t know if this is more of a there’s only one answer or it doesn’t matter as long as you support it question but I think it’s the best for the statement:)