A knowledge sharing system could be establish between rival organizations like Mastercard and Visa in order to improve the services they provide for their clients, as well as to attract more people and earn more money.
Even though it might seem contradictory for rival organizations to work together on sharing knowledge, it's actually not. Mastercard might have something that Visa wants and vice versa so it makes sense for them to collaborate to get what they need.
Wants is less important because you don't need it/them to survive, you can live with only your needs, you should only get your wants only if you can afford it and still have enough money for needs.
I don't know if that made sense lol
lets say the Sugar
Sugar is a consumable good as u can use to make tea, it also can be used in the production of many industrial goods eg beverage, brewery, etc
The answer is true.
In business, you have to prioritize what is the most important task to
do for the day as this might affect your business. You have to choose which is the most to the
least important things to do. The most
important things come first especially if it has a big impact on your career.