deceleration is the opposite of acceleration
We know that acceleration is the increase of speed with respect to time. So deceleration must be represented on the graph as a decrease in speed over time.a
Answer: a bee trying to escape from a closed jar </h2>
In an atom the electrons will occupy orbitals so that their energy is as small as possible. That is why the orbitals are ordered based on their energy level in an increasing order, which is associated with a particular range of energy based on its distance from the atom nucleus.
In this sense, an electron "jumps" from one level to another in the atom in the same way a bee tries to escape from a closed jar.
Meditation can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Meditation is also a consciousness-changing technique that has been shown to have a wide number of benefits on psychological well-being.
kinetic friction may be greater than 400 N or smaller than 400 N
As we know that maximum value of static friction on the rough surface is known as limiting friction and the formula of this limiting friction is known as
now when object is sliding on the rough surface then the friction force on that surface is known as kinetic friction and the formula of kinetic friction is known as
now we know that
so here value of limiting static friction force is always more than kinetic friction
also we know that
initially when body is at rest then static friction value will lie from 0 N to maximum limiting friction
and hence kinetic friction may be greater than static friction or if the static friction is maximum limiting friction then kinetic friction is smaller than static friction
so kinetic friction may be greater than 400 N or smaller than 400 N