2 answers:
Not clear question type again
Refgfgver34rffdgvr435eftgdrte4vbhgfnjknujbncvghfy6ethnnhmgngfyhFrY54t534trr55et4rer454re4rsdrt5y6gbhgfgfcvhrfcdkdfcfdshgynuifdfbfdcdshcjuhfchefjewruvhjfiswfxeshehujenhdfchjudfchufdchnbcyvc vdfxz
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ITS A. ITS not B, C, OR D
Sara is dehydrated because she sweats and the water is distributed faster.
Jeff is Dehydrated because he is losing the stuff in his stomach
You can’t answer this without context lol
Having HIV test before marriage reduces the risk of transmitting it to another partner