What you would do is take the denominators and multiply them by each other, then multiply the numerators by that same number. So like 4/10 and 4/9. You would say, (denominators) 10x9=90 and (numerators) 4x9=36. So your first fraction would be 36/90. Next, you would take (denominators) 9x10=90 and (numerators) 4x10=40. So your second fraction would become 40/90. Now it's a lot easier to compare. 36/90 < 40/90 would be the answer to my problem. I hope I helped!
The amount for early withdrawal is $204
Step-by-step explanation:
Annual interest rate = 5% = 0.05
Investment = $24,000
Annual interest rate * Investment = Annual interest
0.05 * $24,000 = $1,200
Penalty = Two months of interest
(months/months in a year) * Annual interest
(2/12) * $1,200 = 0,17
0,17 * $1,200 = $204,00
The speed that lisa drive was a possibility of 65 mph
slope= 5/4
These 5 bottles with lemonade which contains 150 millilitres in each bottle so it would be 150 x 5 to find how many millilires there is in all