given the sun has risen every day for the last 5000 years — or 1,826,213 days — the probability it will rise tomorrow is 1,826,214 / 1,826,215. which is 99.9%
same i feel bad but im here too
c) (6,0)
Step-by-step explanation:
The formula to find a slope is y=mx-b where m is the slope (to find the slope you find the change in y and the change in x) which in this case is -3. The change in y is -3 and the change in x is -1. If you put it on a graph the line is going down from left to right and it intersects the y-axis at 18 meaning if you keep sloping down in a straigt line it intersects the x-axis at (6,0).
The least common denominator is 2
Step-by-step explanation:
∠AOE and ∠COD are vertical angles meaning they have the same value.