People have been ringing the death knell for email on and off for a few years now. But should we be listening?
The latest peal came from French IT company Atos, which declared that it would phase out internal emails by 2013. And for reasons we’ll all recongize: too much time spent dealing with too many emails, of which too few are useful and too many are spam. CEO Thierry Breton said his staff would instead use good old face-to-face communication, as well as instant messaging (IM) and social media tools.
Hierarchical is scenario is used to between condition and ratings.
Master -details its open up all details of the candidate and his rating to Universal Containers is tracking by interviewer ratings. where they are no classified. Just data collection.
Lookup:- where it fetches all details and further analysis will be a big task.
Search :- it is a just search where relevant information based on queries.
Hierarchical;- it is further classified and it is very to do analysis and takes decisions.
Since it is classified further drill down is possible and make a good analysis report can be made.
An example of effective communication is when the person who you are talking to listens actively and absorbs your point and understands it.
Hope this helps!!
the visibility persists as long as both A and B exist.
Global visibility basically means that the visibility persists as long as both A and B exist. In programming global visibility signifies that the variable/data in question is visible from any context of the code. Meaning that it can be accessed and manipulated from any part of the code, even from within a function or another document. This makes it very easy to use and structure accordingly.