If a human’s red blood cells will lack sufficient amount of
hemoglobin, he or she would have also a low amount of oxygen.
Hemoglobin is what makes the red blood cells red in color,
aside from the abnormal color, the red blood cells also make up of oxygen. It can also be with iron since iron is bind
to hemoglobin all the way to the lungs.
German Zoologist discovers Theodor Schwann that animal were made from cell
D. E: photosynthesis; D: cellular respiration
Photosynthesis is a chemical pathway that’s integral to producing energy in plants and other primary producers. Energy in the form of molecules of glucose is produced from light, water and carbon dioxide while oxygen is released. This occurs in several complex steps, photosynthesis is a rate limited reaction, depends on several factors including carbon dioxide concentration, ambient temperature and light intensity; the energy is retrieved from photons, I.e. particles of light, and water is used as a reducing agent.
In the light reactions, occuring within the thykaloid, and stroma of the chloroplasts, water supplies the pigment chlorophyll with replacement electrons for the ones removed from photosystem II. Additionally, water (H2O) split by light during photolysis into H+ and OH- acts as a source of oxygen along with functioning as a reducing agent; it reduces the molecule NADP to NADPH by providing H+ ions. NADP and NADPH are integral to the dark reactions, or Calvin cycle where monosaccharides or sugars like glucose are produced after the modification of several molecules.
Respiration in the mitochondria utilizes oxygen for the production of ATP in the Krebs’s cycle via the oxidization of pyruvate (through the process of glycoysis). The electron transport chain, in which oxygen functions as the terminal electron acceptor, occurs in both plants and animals. Respiration includes:
- Glycolysis: occurs in the cytoplasm 2 molecules of ATP are used to cleave glucose into 2 pyruvates, 4 ATP and 2 electron carrying NADH molecules.
- The Kreb's cycle: in the mitochondrial matrix- 6 molecules of CO2 are produced by combining oxygen and the carbon within pyruvate, 2 ATP oxygen molecules, 8 NADH and 2 FADH2.
- The electron transport chain, ETC: in the inner mitochondrial membrane, 34 ATP, electrons combine with H+ split from 10 NADH, 4 FADH2, renewing the number of electron acceptors and 3 oxygen; this forms 6 H2O, 10 NAD+, 4 FAD.
Learn more about cellular respiration at brainly.com/question/11203046
Learn more about Photosynthesis at brainly.com/question/4216541
Learn more about cellular life at brainly.com/question/11259903
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The correct option is;
The digestive system of Cnidarians is incomplete having only one single opening which is the gastrovascular cavity the representing the anus and the mouthof the Cnidarians
The hollow body of the Cnidarian polyp which allows water through has tentacles at the top bearing cells meant for stinging
A prey caught by the tentacles is drawn in to the mouth and ingested
The Cnidarians are able to attach to surface due to their attachment adapted lower end
The correct option is therefore true.