Yes, for fractions you can multiply the denominator by the numerator. For square roots you can use the square root button.
A and D
Step-by-step explanation:
Statisical questions have to deal with numbers
B is age
C is year
E is a flavor of ice cream
Answer: 3/10 probability
Step-by-step explanation:
We are telling the probability with tenths, so we can say that the probability of the meteoroid landing on Earth is 3/10.
If the surface area of the world is approximately 7/10, or 70 percent, water, there is approximately 3/10, or 30 percent, chance of the meteoroid hitting land.
I'm pretty sure, at least ^_^
Step-by-step explanation:
So 5.40 divided by 12
A counterexample for the statement 'All square roots are irrational numbers.' is the square root of 9. This is because when simplified, the answer is 3.
For a number to be irrational, it can't be expressed in fractional form. However, 3 can be expressed in fractional form as 3/1.