b) Tufts University Nutrition Web Page
The site that most likely provides a balanced information on eating a balanced diet is the Tufts University Nutrition Web Page
Tufts University is a moderate size, leading private research American higher education institution located in Massachusetts that offers degree programs on Food and Nutrition Policy and Programs
By comparison with the other sites which are;
a) Pork Producers Nutrition Page, which is expected to be related with pork production pork producers and pork consumers, based on the title focus, the information provided by the page is therefore, not meant for general use and therefore not meant to be balanced
c) The Eat What You Want Page, based on the of the page title literally which suggest the liberty for a user to eat what they want to eat does not appear to call for the input of an expert advice on nutrition, and therefore is not balanced.
The central point of Christian belief is that God, the Father, entered into human history as the Son, Jesus of Nazareth, and arose as the Holy Spirit. Christian Philosophy God is the Creator of the universe.
See explaination
#Run the code in the python version 3.x.
#Define the function.
def shampoo_instructions(num_cycles):
#Check the cycles to be greater than 1.
if num_cycles < 1:
#Display the statement.
print('Too few.')
#Check the cycles to be greater than 4.
elif num_cycles > 4:
#Display the statement.
print('Too many.')
#The else part.
#Initialize the variable.
N = 1;
#Begin the for loop.
for N in range(N, num_cycles+1):
#Print the result.
print(N , ": Lather and rinse.")
#Print the statement.
#Call the function.
hope this helped
Computer technology has helped the world to grow and evolve quickly. By performing tasks quickly, computers make daily activities more convenient. They give people access to a wide array of information and can reach even the most remote locations on the planet.
The first thing that entrepreneurs need to realize is that the process and framework for making social media marketing work are different from traditional marketing, and trial and error certainly doesn’t work. Ric Dragon, an expert in online marketing, in his new book “Social Marketology<span>,” outlined the best set of steps I have seen so far for the new world:</span>