1. b ∈ B 2. ∀ a ∈ N; 2a ∈ Z 3. N ⊂ Z ⊂ Q ⊂ R 4. J ≤ J⁻¹ : J ∈ Z⁻
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Let b be the number and B be the set, so mathematically, it is written as
b ∈ B.
2. Let a be an element of natural number N and 2a be an even number. Since 2a is in the set of integers Z, we write
∀ a ∈ N; 2a ∈ Z
3. Let N represent the set of natural numbers, Z represent the set of integers, Q represent the set of rational numbers, and R represent the set of rational numbers.
Since each set is a subset of the latter set, we write
N ⊂ Z ⊂ Q ⊂ R .
4. Let J be the negative integer which is an element if negative integers. Let the set of negative integers be represented by Z⁻. Since J is less than or equal to its inverse, we write
J ≤ J⁻¹ : J ∈ Z⁻
Answer: no
Step-by-step explanation: here are all the ratios equivalent to 18:6 18 : 636 : 1254 : 1872 : 2490 : 30108 : 36126 : 42144 : 48162 : 54180 : 60198 : 66216 : 72234 : 78252 : 84270 : 90288 : 96306 : 102324 : 108342 : 114360 : 120378 : 126396 : 132414 : 138432 : 144450 : 150468 : 156486 : 162504 : 168522 : 174540 : 180558 : 186576 : 192594 : 198612 : 204630 : 210648 : 216666 : 222684 : 228702 : 234720 : 240738 : 246756 : 252774 : 258792 : 264810 : 270828 : 276846 : 282864 : 288882 : 294900 : 300918 : 306936 : 312954 : 318972 : 324990 : 3301008 : 3361026 : 3421044 : 3481062 : 3541080 : 3601098 : 3661116 : 3721134 : 3781152 : 3841170 : 3901188 : 3961206 : 4021224 : 4081242 : 4141260 : 4201278 : 4261296 : 4321314 : 4381332 : 4441350 : 4501368 : 4561386 : 4621404 : 4681422 : 4741440 : 4801458 : 4861476 : 4921494 : 4981512 : 5041530 : 5101548 : 5161566 : 5221584 : 5281602 : 5341620 : 5401638 : 5461656 : 5521674 : 5581692 : 5641710 : 5701728 : 5761746 : 5821764 : 5881782 : 5941800 : 600
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Step-by-step explanation:
arccos x = 15/23
(D) hope this helps kxjdndldjdkwpwnx
For this problem, you can use the volume of a prism equation:
Where B is the area of the base and h is the height.
So to solve this problem, all you have to do is mutiply 44 square cm by 22 cm.
44 square cm • 22 cm = 968 cubic cm