Stress corrosion cracking
This occurs when susceptible materials subjected to an environment that causes cracking effect by the production of folds and tensile stress. This also depends upon the nature of the corrosive environment.
Factors like high-temperature water, along with Carbonization and chlorination, static stress, and material properties.
Side effects - sudden loss of balance/ repeated falls
Outputs - sever sickness and could me factual
Inputs/corrections of this- medications and experimental treatments to help slow the process of deterioration
See explanation
- The shell and tube heat exchanger are designated by the order of tube and shell passes.
- A single tube pass: The fluid enters from inlet, exchange of heat, the fluid exits.
- A multiple tube pass: The fluid enters from inlet, exchange of heat, U bend of the fluid, exchange of heat, .... ( nth order of pass ), and then exits.
- By increasing the number of passes we have increased the "retention time" of a specific volume of tube fluid; hence, providing sufficient time for the fluid to exchange heat with the shell fluid.
- By making more U-turns we are allowing greater length for the fluid flow to develop with " constriction and turns " into turbulence. This turbulence usually at the final passes allows mixing of fluid and increases the heat transfer coefficient by:
U ∝ v^( 0.8 ) .... ( turbulence )
- The higher the velocity of the fluids the greater the heat transfer coefficient. The increase in the heat transfer coefficient will allow less heat energy carried by either of the fluids to be wasted ; hence, reduced losses.
Thereby, increases the thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger ( higher NTU units ).
Answer: yes
Explanation: ontop of a tall building, you drop a small peace of metal covered in zinc. it is possible to be very dangerus because of gravity. some one walking on the side walk who gets hit in the head can get a concusion maybe even a brain injury.
as slated in your solution, if delay time is 2.30 mins, hence 9 vehicle will be on queue as the improved service commenced.
4 vehicle per min, in 2 mins of the delay time 8 vehicles while in 0.3 min average of 1 vehicle join the queue. making 9 vehicle maximum