M2 = 0.06404
P2 = 2.273
T2 = 5806.45°R
Given that p1 = 10atm, T1 = 1000R, M1 = 0.2.
Therefore from Steam Table, Po1 = (1.028)*(10) = 10.28 atm,
To1 = (1.008)*(1000) = 1008 ºR
R = 1716 ft-lb/slug-ºR cp= 6006 ft-lb/slug-ºR fuel-air ratio (by mass)
F/A =???? = FA slugf/slugaq = 4.5 x 108ft-lb/slugfx FA slugf/sluga = (4.5 x 108)FA ft-lb/sluga
For the air q = cp(To2– To1)
(Exit flow – inlet flow) – choked flow is assumed For M1= 0.2
Table A.3 of steam table gives P/P* = 2.273,
T/T* = 0.2066,
To/To* = 0.1736 To* = To2= To/0.1736 = 1008/0.1736 = 5806.45 ºR Gives q = cp(To* - To) = (6006 ft-lb/sluga-ºR)*(5806.45 – 1008)ºR = 28819500 ft-lb/slugaSetting equal to equation 1 above gives 28819500 ft-lb/sluga= FA*(4.5 x 108) ft-lb/slugaFA =
F/A = 0.06404 slugf/slugaor less to prevent choked flow at the exit
The tensile forces are small in most arches and usually negligible.
This is a very very difficult one for me, let me get back to you with the proper answer.
Switches control the flow of electricity in a circuit.
Answer and Explanation:
The DC motor has coils inside it which produces magnetic field inside the coil and due to thus magnetic field an emf is induced ,this induced emf is known as back emf. The back emf always acts against the applied voltage. It is represented by 
The back emf of the DC motor is given by
Here N is speed of the motor ,P signifies the number of poles ,Z signifies the the total number of conductor and A is number of parallel paths
As from the relation we can see that back emf and speed ar dependent on each other it means back emf limits the speed of DC motor