They may break bonds,form new compounds, new ions etc...
This is site for English speakers. Этот сайт на английском, поэтому вопрос могут удалить
1. 2)
2. 3)
3. 4) Sr
4. 3)
5. 4)
6. 2)
7. 1)
8. 4)
9. 3)
10. 3)
11. SO3, H2SO4, Na2SO4
A) оксид меди (II) 2) CuO
Б) хлорид меди(II) 4) CuCl2
В) сульфит меди (II) 3) CuSO 3
Г) гидроксид меди (II) 1) Cu(OH)2
1. Fe+HCl= б) FeCl 2 +H 2
2.Fe+O2= в) Fe 3 O 4
3. Fe(OH) 3 = г)Fe 2 O 3 +H 2O
4. FeCl 2 +NaOH= а) Fe(OH) 2 +NaCl
14. 2Ca + O2 = 2CaO
CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + 2H2O
Scale is the right answer
The scale is a sentence that relates distance on the map to distance on Earth
The phosphate molecule that is released it is coupled to a different ADP molecule to make new molecule of ATP.
Hydrolysis of high-energy compound (ATP) using water:
ATP + H₂O → ADP + Pi
ATP is short for adenosine triphosphate.
Hydrolysis is a reaction that breaks down the chemical bonds between molecules via the addition of a water molecule.
A condensation reaction is a reaction that joins two molecules in a chemical bond.
ATP is resynthesized in a condensation reaction that adds an inorganic phosphate group to ADP. The addition of a phosphate group is catalyzed by the enzyme ATP synthase.
More about potential energy:
I don’t know about 1 But number 2 is AB + xH2O = AB.xH2O