- Sales Manager
- General Manager
- Head of Administration
Mentioned are some of the careers that fall in the stated categories. Business would include any career related with the field of finance, marketing, supply chain, distribution and so on. Management is more connected with positions where resources has to be managed and administration is one of the types of management.
Georgeland has an absolute but not a comparative advantage in producing clothing.
Absolute advantage is defined as the ability of a firm to produce higher amounts of a product as a result of use of the same resources with other competitors. It is usually bad a result of more efficient production process.
Comparative advantage is the ability of a firm to produce goods at a lower opportunity cost. Therefore they are able to sell at lower price compared to competitors.
Georgeland can produce 18 units of clothe per year while Alland can produce 16 units per year, so Georgeland has absolute advantage.
In producing clothes Georgeland has opportunity cost of 36 units of food which is higher than that of Alland which is 32 units of food. So Georgeland does not have comparative advantage in producing clothes.
Calculation to determine what The number of shares to be used in computing diluted earnings per share for the quarter is:
First step is to calculate the amount assumed to be exercised
Exercised amount= 30,000*$7 / $15avg
Exercised amount= 14,000
Second step is to calculate the Net
Net= 16,000
Now let calculate The number of shares to be used in computing diluted earnings per share
Using this formula
Number of shares=Outstanding+Net
Let plug in the formula
Number of shares=153,000 +16,000
Number of shares= 169,000
*diluted eps=$28,000 /169,000
Therefore The number of shares to be used in computing diluted earnings per share for the quarter is: 169,000
The company's cash flow from operating activities can be calculated as follows:
Net Income 10
Add:depreciation expense 2
Less:changes in accounts receivable (5)
Less:changes in accounts payable (10)
Add:changes in inventory 5
Cash flow from operating activities 2