It wouldn't be legal practice of SLS’
The Internet service address is the address of the internet where we getting the address of the internet sometimes it is known as the computer address of the host machine.
Since the miller has changed the Ip address continuously in a constant manner also the other address which is giving by the internet service provider The transfer of IP address, Miller will be able to receive their network. That sort of practice is not legal of SLS.
public static String repeat(String text, int repeatCount) {
if(repeatCount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("repeat count should be either 0 or a positive value");
if(repeatCount == 0) {
return "";
} else {
return text + repeat(text, repeatCount-1);
Here repeatCount is an int value.
at first we will check if repeatCount is non negative number and if it is code will throw exception.
If the value is 0 then we will return ""
If the value is >0 then recursive function is called again untill the repeatCount value is 0.
function countWords(sentence) {
return sentence.match(/\S+/g).length;
const sentence = 'This sentence has five words ';
console.log(`"${sentence}" has ${countWords(sentence)} words` );
Regular expressions are a powerful way to tackle this. One obvious cornercase is that multiple spaces could occur. The regex doesn't care.
ReFS format and Storage Spaces.
ReFS(Resilient File System)format was introduced in 2012 and it was the replacement for NTFS(NT File System).It was introduced as a part of the Windows Server.ReFS supports maximum value of 1 yottabyte (1 one million Terabytes). It also supports auto-correct form disk errors and data corruption.You need a storage space to store the data hence we need storage space also.