Thermal energy:
About to submit this quiz ill comment if I'm wrong
are electrical signals
Feel free to correct me, I'm just trying to help
If P=M*V than P=30kg*5m/s. P=150.
Now the last time i have done physics was last year. but i'm pretty confident in this answer. Hope this helps!
The model of the atom supported by Bohr's hydrogen experiment is the Rutherford's model of the atom.
Rutherford through his experiment on gold foil suggested the atomic model of the atom. The model posits that an atom has a small positively charged center(nucleus) where nearly all the mass is concentrated.
- Surrounding the nucleus is the large space containing electrons.
- In the Bohr's model of the atom, he suggested that the extranuclear space of the atom is made up of electrons in specific spherical orbits around the nucleus.
The atoms of one element differs from the atoms of other elements in terms of the number of protons they contain. This is often taken as the atomic number of such an atom.
- The number of proton is the best indicator of the atom one is dealing with.
- Based on this number, elements are categorized into distinct columns and rows on the periodic table.
- The atomic number is the number of protons or positively charge particles in the atom.
It is possible to change the identity of an atom. This is only possible by altering the atomic number of the atom.
Only nuclear reactions have this capability.
When an atom undergoes nuclear reaction that involves change in number of protons, transmutation occurs and a new atom forms.