P4O10 is a chemical compound generally known as Phosphorus pentoxide, derived from its empirical formula P2O5. P4O10 is technically called tetraphosphorus decaoxide, but under normal conditions it only exists as the dimer of P2O5, which is phosphorus (V) oxide, or phosphorus pentaoxide.
P4010 consists of two elements; phosphorus and oxygen. P4O10 is a covalent compound. This is because Phosphorous and Oxygen are both nonmetals, the bond formed is as a result of sharing of electrons.
By the second law of thermodynamics: Heat can not spontaneously flow from cold regions to hot regions without external work being performed on a system. Heat transfer is the passage of thermal energy from a hot ( t B = 80° C ) to a colder body ( t A = 40° C ). Answer: B ) Heat flows from object B to object A.