We typically assume that lower class/income - borderline poverty stricken individuals terminate pregnancies however, the statistics show that these individuals are no more likely to terminate than higher class/income individuals.
Most of these mutations change single amino acids in p53<span>. The altered protein cannot bind to DNA, </span>preventing<span> it from effectively regulating </span>cell<span> growth and division. As a result, DNA damage accumulates in </span>cells<span>, which can allow them to grow and divide in an uncontrolled way to form a cancerous tumor.</span>
Prescription drugs or any drugs people can overdose and die from
#1 would probably be:
a. focus the teaching of nutrition concepts at times when the children are eating
The cells eventually start to die out, causing for organs to slowly dye, starting with the lungs and heart which is why you may feel cold as the blood thats pumped stops...I hope your depressed now...Naw just kidding health is important to know :)