spanning-tree portfast bpduguard
spanning- tree protocol (STP) is a layer 2 protocol in the OSI model. It is automatically configured in a switch to prevent continual looping of BPDUs, to avoid traffic congestion. The fastport bpduguard is only applicable in non-trunking access in a switch. It is more secure to configure the fastport mode in switch port connected directly to a node, because there are still bpdus transfer in a switch to switch connection.
BPDUs Guard ensures that inferior bpdus are blocked, allowing STP to shut an access port in this regard.
I would suggest the answer would be both A and D, mail merge is used to specify different field for different recipients.
All of the setting are device setting that dont follow your account.
Both Flat, round discs.
A DVD can hold six times as much as compacity than a disc.
A CD is a Compact Disc.
Clock (int hours, boolean isTicking, int diff) // constructor clock
this.hours = hours;
// set the instance variable hours
this.isTicking = isTicking;
// set the boolean variable isTicking
this.diff =diff;
//set the instance variable diff
Here we declared a constructor clock which has 3 parameter hours,boolean isTicking,and diff.
The int hours, diff is of int type and isTicking is of boolean type. In this constructor, we set the instance variables values by using this keyword.