Because acceleration goes higher
For infinite speed to be achevied, one must have no sink of energy to spend. The source of entropy in this example, is the tires hitting the surface, producing heat and friction. Not to mention that you'd still need fuel to start the car, and an infinite tunnel or track, which would be impossible and speed up to process of energy loss through entropy quicker.
Dermatome. (Ans. C).
Dermatome is defined as the area of the human anatomy skin which is supplied by single spinal sensory nerve root. At the spinal cord these spinal sensory nerve enter the nerve root, and the branches of spinal sensory reach to the periphery of the body.
The sensory nerve which is present in the periphery of the body are the type of nerve which helps to transmit signals from sensation such as pain, temperature, etc. to the spinal cord from some specific area of the anatomy.
Heat transfer through Radiation is responsible.
This is heat transfer that does not require a material medium or contact is not required.