Event Dimension BP stock prices falling 25% during the first month after the oil spill. <u>ECONOMIC. </u>
The Economic dimension of the environment deals with production in the economy which means that it deals with business entities and the financial system. Dimension BP stock price falling therefore falls under her.
Using deep-se submersibles to take pictures of the oil leak a mile below the surface of the water. <u>TECHNOLOGICAL. </u>
The Technological dimension of the environment refers to anything related to the use of technology and using deep-sea submersibles to take pictures of the leak below the surface of the water will definitely fall under technology.
People moving from Louisiana to Oklahoma to avoid the effects of the spill. <u>SOCIOCULTURAL. </u>
Sociocultural dimension deals with human beings and how they relate with themselves and the environment around them. People therefore moving from Louisiana to Oklahoma will fall under here.
The need for affiliation refers to the need people have to feel that they are part of a social group. People that have a high need for affiliation requires close relationships and needs to be approved by the people that are close to them. Also, they want to feel that they are part of something that has an important impact. According to this, the statement that says that the need for affiliation is the need to excel is false.
A. - The net public debt decreases
The net public debt decreases because the government has obtained more funds in tax revenue. For this reason, the government will likely run a budget surplus.
B. - The net public debt increases
The government was already running a budget deficit (albeit a small one). With the effects of the hurricane, the government will have to spend more to help the people affected, and will likely have to borrow even more, increasing its deficit.
C. - The net public debt remains unchanged
There was a transfer of funds from one government agency to the other, and the net effect of such transfer is likely to be very small to make any significant change in the net public debt. The net public debt remains unchanged.
the information seems incorrect, inconsistent, or incomplete.
An effective system of affidavits can play an important role in promoting integrity, transparency and accountability. Depending on its design, the declaration forms can be used to detect illicit enrichment or to determine if the decision of a public servant has been compromised by a private interest, such as being a previous or external job, being a member of a council or Similary. The declaration system is a component of the integrity system of a country that supports the process of building a culture of integrity and reinforces accountability
A system of affidavits can play an important role in promoting integrity, transparency and accountability. Depending on their design, they can be used to detect illicit enrichment or to determine if the decision of a public servant has been compromised by a private interest, such as being a previous or external job, being a member of a council or similar. The declaration system is a component of the integrity system that supports the process of building a culture of integrity and reinforces accountability.
In addition, by making public the affidavits, the government shows its commitment to transparency and allows social control, adding a new instance of scrutiny.
It can usually be done through a client that you choose and represent, but there is no excess of the problems that you may have in case of having bad skin. That is why it is always recommended to verify and even more when the numbers seem incorrect, erroneous or incomplete.