The monochloroderivatives will be obtained by substituting chemically non equivalent hydrogen with chlorine atom, one by one
So the possible monochloro derivatives of 2,4-dimethylpentane (figure 1) are shown in figure (2)
Potassium is not found free in nature but is found in the form of potash. Potash is the ore of potassium and this ore is mined from deep down the earth or can sometimes be found on the surface. Potash was mostly formed as sea water receded and left deposits.
Potash is usually in the form of potassium salts such potassium chloride and potassium sulphate. The potash is mined then taken to the factory where it is crushed and purified by removing such impurities as clay.
The now purified potassium salts are subjected to a process called electrolysis where potassium metal is obtained from its salt.
this is the formula and answer of this question
What do you think will happen if trees are cut down? What do you think will happen to the surrounding area on the rainforests? What are found in rainforests?