Search to find the detailed rainfall collections if you want more detailed rainfall intensity data. If all available is monthly average in mm, take the monthly average and divide by number of hours in that month. So if you had 300 mm in April, take 360 mm/(30 days * 24 hours) = 0.5 mm/hour average monthly intensity. so that's it
its b
Step-by-step explanation:
They are similar.
Step-by-step explanation:
They are similar because, the top triangle has one more square to the height as well as the width. If you take one square away from the height and width the top triangle is the same size as the bottom triangle.
<em><u>x = 249</u></em>
Step-by-step explanation:
Step 1. Combine like terms
1/3x + 166 = x
Step 2. Subtract 1/3x from both sides
166 = 2/3x
Step 3. Multiply it all by 3/2 to get rid of the 2/3
249 = X