3. ¿Qué mensaje recupera Bob después del descifrado? Mostrar como caracteres hexadecimales.
Respuesta: la clave con el mensaje :
The Security Account Manager
The Security Account Manager (SAM), This is a database file found in Windows Operating Systems.... Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 that stores users' passwords. It can be used to authenticate local and remote users. It is an important and vital component of how Windows stores passwords locally on the computer.
1. PowerPoint online
2. Goógle Slides
There is a various free, proprietary, and online software for multimedia presentations available for use. Some of which include:
1. PowerPoint online: this is an online and free version of Microsoft Office PowerPoint software. Some of its features include text formatting, use of animations, cloud storage among others.
2. Goógle Slides: This is a product of Goógle to make the multimedia presentation of documents available online. It also offers many feature including cloud storage.
Not really everything don’t need to be on the internet