Gregor Mendel was the first person to trace the characteristics of successive generations of a living thing.
Hi i think its E because the the numbers on both sides are to spread out and are not even one side is 4 and the other is 3
A graduated cylinder measures the volume of a liquid.
A stopwatch measures the amount of time that elapses.
A scale measures the mass of objects.
A thermometer measures the temperature of any object.
Because we are measuring rain, a liquid, we would want to use a tool that would allow us to collect the rain for measuring. Therefore, the tool e would use to measure the amount of rainfall would be A. a graduated cylinder.
Mixture can be defined as a combination of two or more substances present in varied proportion where each materials are distinct and visibly seen by naked eyes.
In Science, there are two (2) main types of mixture and these are;
I. A homogeneous mixture: it can be defined as any liquid, solid or gaseous mixture which has an identical or uniform composition and properties throughout any given sample of the mixture. In Chemistry, all solutions are considered to be a homogeneous mixture. For example, aqueous hydrogen chloride is a homogeneous mixture of water and hydrogen chloride.
II. A heterogenous mixture: it can be defined as any mixture which has a different or non-uniform composition and properties throughout any given sample of the mixture. This ultimately implies that, the constituents of a heterogenous mixture always remain separate in the sample and as such comprises of two or more phases.
Since the chocolate milk contains more than one type of component. Therefore, it is not a homogeneous substance but a heterogenous substance.