To write the chemical symbol for an atom or cation with 22 electrons, we must understand some few things about an atom.
An atom is made up of positively charged paticles called protons which are located in the nucleus. The neutrons do not have any charges and are they reside together in the nucleus with the protons.
Electrons are negatively charged particles which orbits the nucleus.
Titanium in its neutral state is the 22nd element on the periodic table and it has 22 electrons.
Vanadium is the the 23rd element on the periodic table. If it loses an electron, it becomes positively charged and it is a cation.
Chromium is the 24th element on the periodic table. A loss of two electrons makes the net electrons remaining on it 22.
The symbols are:
Visible light spectrum.
The visible light spectrum is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum
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Electroplating the plating one metal on to the another metal, It is mostly used for preventing corrosion by using copper or chromium or decorate the object by using gold or silver plating.
When electricity is passed the thin layer of metal is deposited on another metal and water molecule given out as a By-Product, Thus this process works on the principle of Hydrolysis.
A) Electrolysis
B) Chromium prevents corrosion and gives the fine shining touch to the objects.
C) The metal which is deposited to the object i.e. spoon will be connected to the positive electrode of a battery, Thus it is anode. The spoon at which electroplating is need to be done is connected to the negative electrode, thus the Spoon is cathode.
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Reduction is the process by which eletrons are gained by an atom.