Any moving object has kinetic energy
45 mL
Tenemos los siguientes datos:
V = 1 L
C = 4,5% v/v
El porcentaje en volumen (%v/v) expresa el volumen de soluto (alcohol en este caso) que hay cada 100 mL de solución. Si la solución tiene una concentración del 4,5% v/v eso quiere decir que hay 4,5 ml de alcohol cada 100 ml de solución, de acuerdo a lo siguiente:
4,5% v/v alcohol = volumen alcohol/ volumen solución x 100 = 4,5 mL alcohol/100 mL solución= 4,5 mL alcohol/0,1 L alcohol
Por lo tanto, al multiplicar por el volumen total de la solución (1 L), obtenemos la cantidad total de alcohol:
4,5 mL alcohol/0,1 L alcohol x 1 L = 45 mL
Unfortunately you did not specify the electronic configuration in the question, however since one of the answers must be a halogen, i took the liberty to attach an image with the configuration (both the simple numeric and spdf form) for all the halogen and all you have to do is match the electronic configuration you have in your question to the one in the table attached and you can then deduce the answer.
Hope this helps.
incorporates both ionic bonding and covalent bonding.
A covalent bond is formed when an element shares its valence electron with another element. This bond is formed between two non metals.
An ionic bond is formed when an element completely transfers its valence electron to another element. The element which donates the electron is known as electropositive element and the element which accepts the electrons is known as electronegative element. This bond is formed between a metal and an non-metal.
For formation of a neutral ionic compound, the charges on cation and anion must be balanced. The cation is formed by loss of electrons by metals and anions are formed by gain of electrons by non metals.
Here potassium is having an oxidation state of +1 called as
cation and nitrate
is an anion with oxidation state of -1. Thus they combine and their oxidation states are exchanged and written in simplest whole number ratios to give neutral
is formed by sharing of electrons between two non metals nitrogen and oxygen.
incorporates both ionic bonding and covalent bonding.