Answer: When we regularly eat more kilo joules than our body needs, the spare energy is stored as fat. Eating as little as 100kJ extra each day (or burning 100kJ less by exercise), can lead to one kilogram of body fat creeping on over a single year.
In general,earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur at both divergent plate boundaries AND convergent plate boundaries.
Indonesia is one of the areas that would be in danger of having both earthquakes and volcanoes
The process of cellular differentiation is a direct result of a differiental
People commit crimes for many different reasons. whether it is for the excitment and thrill of it or whether they were forced to or peer preasured on by another person. Maybe they robbed a bank cause they needed money or they were under the influence of drugs or alchohol
Arthropoda and molluscs have open circulatory systems - meaning haemolymph (Their equivalent to blood) directly bathes the tissue, and isn't enclosed in blood vessels, as seen in a closed blood system, as in humans for example.