The answer is because in Poland it is believed that a spider wove a blanket for baby Jesus.
Spiders are a symbol of goodness and prosperity during Christmas in Poland. It is common to see spider webs and spiders as Christmas tree decorations in Poland. It is also a very common folktale in the Western Ukraine. Apparently it is also believed this folk tale explains the origin of tinsel on Christmas trees, which is more common to Britain and American households as decorations for the Christmas tree. Finding a spider in a Christmas tree is considered good luck in Eastern Europe and so is finding a real spider's web.
The four aspects are consists of : one should be sensitive towards the audience’s needs, adapting “you” attitude, Maintaining standards of Etiquette – emphasizing the positive to avoid negative language and be honest not harsh; should be respectful, tactful and talk with diplomacy, Using Bias-Free Language, building a strong relationship with the audience by establishing credibility.
31. 4
i don't know the rest i am in 7th grade
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La diferencia entre Empatia y Generosidad es la siguiente.
La Empatia es ponerse en los zapatos de la otra persona. Es decir, antes de criticar o juzgar a una persona, debemos ponernos en su lugar, lo que implica tomar en cuenta su situación personal, emocional, y comprender el por qué una persona se comporta de tal manera.
La Generosidad en cambio, es esa actitud de entrega o desprendimiento en el que una persona da y comparte, sin esperar nada a cambio. La generosidad hace que podamos ayudar y compartir, cuando sabemos que la persona que ayudamos no puede regresarnos el favor. La generosidad nos hace ser unas personas desprendidas.
Polar ice shields are melting, the sea is rising, extreme weather events and rainfall are becoming more common, extreme heat waves and droughts are also becoming more common