Answer: The Roe V. Wade decision was based upon women’s right to make their own decision when it came to pregnancy. Which can be classified as civil rights or women’s rights.
The decision made in the Roe v. Wade case gave women the right to choose if they wanted an abortion or not.
A plea where the accused agrees to the imposition of a penalty but does not agree to the guilt.
Amendment 5 and Amendment 14 guarantees due process of law in the US
In the constitution of the United States, amendment 5 and amendment 14 both guarantees due process of the law as both of these contains a clause of due process which deals with justice administration and safeguards the right of the people and ensures safety against arbitrary denial of liberty, property or life by the government outside of law sanction.
The US Supreme Court elucidate the clauses on the conclusion that 4 protections are provided under these clauses:
- Procedural or routine due process
- Substantive or considerable due process
- Interdiction against ambiguous laws
- Taking forward the substantiation of Bill of Rights.