Borderline Personality Disorder
She switched personalities, plus, people with this disorder tend to have certain periods of time where they don't remember past events .
Manutrition is a condition that results from a poor diet, a nutrient deficiency characterized with imbalances in a person's intake of energy. Physical and metal problems are health issues associated with malnutrition. Correct answer: B Physical problems linked to malnutrition are: problems with growing and resisting disease, poor immune system, problems with organ functions. Mental problems on the other hand include depression, trouble focusing.
"I can drive my car in about 2 weeks."
Colonoscopy is an examination that allows the doctor to analyze the inner lining of the large intestine and part of the small, corresponding to the rectum, colon and terminal ileum. To perform colonoscopy, it is important that the patient be accompanied, because the examination is done with a sedation and its effects can last for hours, preventing the patient from practicing activities such as driving or working. However, after the sedative effects pass the patient may drive normally.
On the other hand, intestinal resection is a surgical procedure to remove all or part of the patient's colon. Better known as the large intestine, the colon is a tube-shaped organ located at the end of your digestive system. Colectomy may be necessary to treat or prevent diseases and conditions that affect the colon. After this surgery, the patient will be taken to a recovery room and monitored until anesthesia has passed. Then the health team will take the patient to his / her hospital room to continue the recovery. The patient will stay in hospital until bowel function is restored. This may take a few days to a week. Only after this period will the patient be released to drive. That is, the patient can drive a maximum of one week after surgery.
The answer is A: first class lever
d. Strength development
well it's d. for sure, the others aren't seen as benefits at all.