False- interneurons pass electrical impulses from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron (it connects these neurons)
A pandemic is an epidemic disease extended across wide regions, thereby affecting many countries and even continents, while endemic diseases affect the people from only one country or a specific region. Human Immune Deficiency (HIV) is an RNA virus whose life cycle is composed of the following stages: 1) binding to the cell host and membrane fusion, 2) subsequent reverse transcription into DNA and integration into genome host 3) proliferation (i.e., successive replication cycles) by using the cellular machinery of the host 4) new assembly and budding of the virus. The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) occurs when the host immune system is seriously damaged by the HIV infection, this being the latest stage of infection. It is known that HIV/AIDS is more prevalent in the female population, while according to ethnic groups, it is more prevalent in African-American and Hispanic/Latino populations in the USA. The life expectancy in HIV-infected patients has notably improved in the last years and, currently, people with this disease can expect to live over 70 years or even more.
B) ATP is not produced during fermentation
Fermentation does not involve an electron transport system, and no ATP is made by the fermentation process directly.
These are signs of amniotic fluid embolism, a rare emergency that can occur during the very last stages of labour. This is caused by the circulation of amniotic fluid in the blood stream of the pregnant woman. The nurse should administer oxygen using a facemask, in order to increase the oxygen intake of the woman.
Answer: The Heart
The blood circulatory system (cardiovascular system) delivers nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body. It consists of the heart and the blood vessels running through the entire body. The arteries carry blood away from the heart; the veins carry it back to the heart. The system of blood vessels resembles a tree: The “trunk” – the main artery (aorta) – branches into large arteries, which lead to smaller and smaller vessels. The smallest arteries end in a network of tiny vessels known as the capillary network.
There are two types of blood circulatory system in the human body, which are connected: The systemic circulation provides organs, tissues and cells with blood so that they get oxygen and other vital substances. The pulmonary circulation is where the fresh oxygen we breathe in enters the blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide is released from the blood.
Blood circulation starts when the heart relaxes between two heartbeats: The blood flows from both atria (the upper two chambers of the heart) into the ventricles (the lower two chambers), which then expand. The following phase is called the ejection period, which is when both ventricles pump the blood into the large arteries.
In the systemic circulation, the left ventricle pumps oxygen-rich blood into the main artery (aorta). The blood travels from the main artery to larger and smaller arteries and into the capillary network. There the blood drops off oxygen, nutrients and other important substances and picks up carbon dioxide and waste products. The blood, which is now low in oxygen, is collected in veins and travels to the right atrium and into the right ventricle.
This is where pulmonary circulation begins: The right ventricle pumps low-oxygen blood into the pulmonary artery, which branches off into smaller and smaller arteries and capillaries. The capillaries form a fine network around the pulmonary vesicles (grape-like air sacs at the end of the airways). This is where carbon dioxide is released from the blood into the air inside the pulmonary vesicles, and fresh oxygen enters the bloodstream. When we breathe out, carbon dioxide leaves our body. Oxygen-rich blood travels through the pulmonary veins and the left atrium into the left ventricle. The next heartbeat starts a new cycle of systemic circulation. Below is an attachment of a diagram that explains the connection between pulmonary and systemic circulation from google.