They have helped the united states,africa,and asia just to name a few.
so I've been learning Japanese Its not to hard as people say
I use duolingo as a free app its not the best however but its nice to begin with and then maybe carry on to more professional websites that help with kanji which is by far the hardest
easiest is hiragana you'll memorize that in like a easy week
hiragana has like a evil twin called katakana make sure to know the difference between the two (charts are awesome tools)
I have sticky notes with symbols and words that I look through everyday
I started learning to fast and don't remember everything now so please I suggest like memorizing 5 signs a day than 2 words
No it is not safe to climb a unsecured ladder no matter if it has slip-resistant feet. there is always a risk to climbing a unstable ladder and i would not reccomand it.
- A.M
In Schindler's List, Schindler tricks the Nazi Amon Goeth into helping him save Jewish prisoners from Auschwitz by pretending like he hates Jews and only wants them for cheap labor in his factory. In reality, his factory ensures they will live. Schindler buys the prisoners from Goeth, effectively sneaking them out from under his nose.
in English
uniqueness; distinct qualities; character; attribute; distinction; feature
in Tagalog
pagiging natatangi; natatanging mga katangian; tauhan; katangian pagkakaiba; tampok