When Microsoft donated copies of Word program to colleges
and universities, the company Microsoft is using a Marketing Strategy in
promoting the product. A good promotion will help the product to be known and
by words of mouth it will basically promote the product and the users will
definitely give comments on how the product performs.
you can go to settings and try to fix it or contact the people of this website
1. A.make a list of all the websites the sources from
2. C. profile
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct StudentType{
string studentName;
int studentId;
int n;
char answer[20];
int main(){
cout<< "Enter the size of the array: ";
cin >> n;
StudentType *student = new StudentType(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int name;
int number;
cin>> name;
cin >> number;
student[i].studentName = name;
student[i].studentId = number;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
cout<< "Enter answers: ";
cin >> ans;
answer[i] = ans;
The C++ source code has three global variables namely, answer which is an array of character data type, StudentType which is a structure data type and the integer variable n. The main function declares and initializes the dynamic-spaced student array of the structure datatype with the n variable.
a. Microphone
d. Wi-Fi antenna
The wifi antenna , is present in the screen bezel , and the two cables are connected to the motherboard and the wifi adapter .
Hence , we need to be aware of the wifi antenna , before installing the webcam .
Microphone , as in most of the laptop , the microphone is present just near the screen bezel , and hence , need to be aware of before the installation process of the webcam .