Answer:b. Tim wanted a high return, even if it meant taking some risk, so he purchased stock issued by Specific Electric instead of bonds issued by Specific Electric.
Certain unalienable rights mean certain right can never be taken away.
Option D
Unalienable rights are the rights that are given to a person as a birthright. These rights cannot be denied by any means nor can the individual give them up by choice.
In the drafts of The Declaration of Independence, many drafts mention passages about how the 'Creator' has given undeniable rights to all individuals. One such right as mentioned in the drafts is 'the liberty to life and enjoying it'. The passage further explains that these rights cannot be given up by us nor denied to us as they are a part of us. They help in defining the person that we become through the course of our life.
In many ways, the two notions are at odds. Or, at least, mild conflict.
Free Market Capitalism is an economic system understands that some will succeed and others will not. People will be rewarded for their ingenuity and market acumen and bad ideas will be disregarded and rejected.
American Democracy (Democratic-Republic) is defined by citizens banding together to solve common problems, while reserving the right of private property and concepts of liberty.
So, as free market capitalism has expanded in periods of history, Democracy has often taken a hit. As collective Democratic ideals have expanded, free market ideals have declined.
The New Deal is common understood as a retraction of the free market and the expansion of American collective Democracy. We are currently in a period of struggle between free market capitalism and strong collective Democracy. Only time will tell which concept will prevail.
From the passage, the most important factor when trying to get into a design school is your portfolio. You need to apply to the school by sending a portfolio of drawings of your design. It was also communicated that having some experience in sketching can help to build an impressive portfolio, which happens to be a criterion to getting admitted into the design school.
La expedición botánica fue comisionada durante el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, y fue liderada por José Celestino Mutis, un botánico que dictaba clases en la Universidad del Rosario. El resultado de la expedición fue la identificación de más de 20,000 especies vegetales y 7,000 especies animales que habitaban el territorio neogranadino.
La comisión corográfica fue establecida décadas después, cuando la República de la Nueva Granada era una nación independiente. El líder de la comisión fue el geografo italiano Augstín Codazzi. El objetivo era trazar en detalle la cartografía de la nación, al igual que hacer una especie de inventario de sus características físicas, como relieve, vegetación, recursos, y demás.
Ambas comisiones fueron muy importantes para el desarrollo de lo que hoy es Colombia. La comisión botánica sirvió para entender mejor la enorme biodiversidad del país, mientras que la comisión corográfica mejoró el entendimiento de la geografía del país a todo nivel y de manera más general.