Science has a central role in shaping what count as environmental problems. This has been evident most recently in the success of planetary science and environmental activism in stimulating awareness and discussion of global environmental problems. We advance three propositions about the special relationship between environmental science and politics: (1) in the formulation of science, not just in its application, certain courses of action are facilitated over others; (2) in global environmental discourse, moral and technocratic views of social action have been privileged; and (3) global environmental change, as science and movement ideology, is vulnerable to deconstructive pressures. These stem from different nations and differentiated social groups within nations having different interests in causing and alleviating environmental problems. We develop these propositions through a reconstruction of The Limits to Growth study of the early 1970s, make extensions to current studies of the human/social impacts of climate change, and review current sources of opposition to global and political formulations of environmental issues.
C. They pollinate the flowers that only open at night.
A niche is the functional role an organism performs in the ecosystem. Simply, the question is asking for the role of nocturnal animals as pollinators.
- A pollinator is any organism the helps plants to transfer pollen grain from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another.
- This way, fertilization and crossing of genetic materials is achieved.
Nocturnal animals are animals that are very active at night. This is an evolutionary advantage for them because there is less danger at this point of the day.
Therefore, some nocturnal animals can help to pollinate flowers that only open at night.
The Qur'an does not refer to contraception explicitly, but Muslims opposed to birth control often quote the Qur'an as saying "
You should not kill your children for fear of want" (17:31, 6:151) and interpret this as including a ban on contraception as well as infanticide.
The human respratory system is responsible for removing 2 carbon dioxide from blood
It is not possible for Sarah and Thomas to develop cystic fibrosis but it would be possible for one of their children to inherit it. Both Sarah and Thomas are heterozygous and in a heterozygous pair of alleles the dominant allele is the one that will present. Because Sarah and Thomas both have the heterozygous allele combination Ff they are carriers which means that they will not experience symptoms of cystic fibrosis but they could pass cystic fibrosis onto one of their children.