I would say maintain flexibility
The other options seem too vague, but it could be excercise??? It is worded weirs. Flexibility refers to stretching.
Quad Stretches i think because, they support his feet if they give out he's gonna fall and he needs to wake them up and make them work out.
Having a buddy alongside you who has similar goals or simply wants to support you can make a huge difference in whether you achieve your resolutions in 2020. If possible, find someone you trust who is reliable and can commit to joining you for healthy meals, exercise, or new hobbies or activities.
Appetite is not linked to hunger since appetite is the activity and drive in order to eat whereas hunger is the physical and mental state in which a person needs to eat.
Also appetite is linked to many unhealthy behaviors that can result to other symptoms of eating disorders which causes deletrious effects on one's mental and biological state.