People, fossils fuels,land,living things
Plants undergo photosynthesis, which is the process where carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are transformed into sugar and oxygen. Even though they look different than terrestrial (land) plants, aquatic plants, or plants that live on the water's surface or submerged underwater, also undergo photosynthesis.
C. An association between two sets of data
The answer is false. To explain further, let G have vertices
{v1, v2, v3, v4}, with ends between each pair of vertices, and with the mass on
the edge from vi to vj equal to I + j. Then each tree has a bottle neck edge mass
of as a minimum of 5, so the tree containing of a track through vertices v3, v2,
v1,v4 is a least bottleneck tree. It is not a least spanning tree, though, subsequently
its total mass is greater than that of the tree with edges from v1 to every
single vertex.
its to hard but you can answer this