Cesarean section
Vacuum extraction
Forceps delivery
Fetal monitoring
Induced labor
Breathing and counting down can be one way. Most people say count down from 1 to 10 but its best to count down from 1 to 30.
You can listen to music to calm you down. Listen to something calming and upbeat at the same time, or something that soothes you.
Keep yourself busy. If you do random items such as singing a song, writing a story or organizing something around the house. THese activities would make you forget why your anxious in the first place.
The residual volume is the amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced expiration.
The volume of air exchanged during normal breathing is called the tidal volume.
After a normal inspiration, the amount of air that can then be inspired forcefully is called the inspiratory reserve volume .
If you subtract the residual volume from the total lung capacity, you get the vital capacity.
The vital capacity minus the expiratory reserve volume equals the inspiratory capacity.
The effects of obstructive diseases such as asthma or emphysema may be determined by measuring the forced expiratory volume .