The acidity level of water is measured by the pH scale. Pure water has a pH of 7, which is neutral. However, natural rainwater actually has a pH of 5.6 because it gets exposed to the gases in the atmosphere, making it a bit acidic. True acid rain will have a pH level measuring from 5.0-5.5.
Asexual means by self sexual means from opposite genders
7 protons, 7 neutrons (READ EXPLANATION)
The atomic number represents how many protons are in an element. Generally speaking, elements have the same number of protons and neutrons. So, an element with the atomic number of 7 will have 7 protons and 7 neutrons.
However it is possible for an element to have a differing number of neutrons (an element will always have the same number of protons because that number is how the element is identified in the first place). Elements that have a number of neutrons that is not the same as the atomic number are called isotopes.
If another predator, that is more efficient hunter, enters the territory of the puffins, the puffins will find themselves in a very tough situation. They will either have to adapt very quickly, or die out.
The evolutionary pressure will be there fro the puffins to push them in a direction to adapt and be netter hunters, thus fight for their existence. That would mean that the puffin's beak, but also their speed and efficiency will have to improve in order to compete or even out-compete the new predator.
If the puffins do not manage to adapt relatively quickly, and a food shortage occurs, than they will die out, as they will lose the fight for food constantly.
The Sun provides energy for the plants (producers) to grow. Herbivores (primary consumers) then eat the producers for energy. Any animals that eat the herbivores are considered secondary consumers. As this cycle continues, energy is lost to the environment as heat.