<h2>CNS </h2>
An example of a myelin producing cell in the CNS is oligodendrocyte
- The major function of oligodendrocytes is the formation of myelin
- Myelin acts as an insulator of axonal segments and is a prerequisite for the high velocity of nerve conduction
- Larger axons form thicker myelin
- During development, oligodendrocytes arise from precursors located in the sub-ventricular zone such as the sub-ventricular zone of the lateral ventricles for the cerebrum or the fourth ventricle for the cerebellum
- In the spinal cord, oligodendrocytes originate from the ventral regions of the neural tube and in the optic nerve they migrate into the nerve from the third ventricle
- It is the oligodendrocyte precursor cells which migrate to their destination where they then differentiate into the more mature oligodendrocytes
- The proliferation of the oligodendrocyte progenitor cells is controlled by a number of growth factors released predominantly from neurons but also from astrocytes such as platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
Nervous system
The nervous system consists of the the brain and the nerves and the damage was done to the nerves that run all the way down his leg.
D. IV -> III -> II -> I
Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the right atrium of the heart. As the atrium contracts, blood flows from your right atrium into your right ventricle through the open tricuspid valve.
A. Nuclear reactors increase thermal pollution
From the analogy provided in this context, we can vividly see that the author is suggesting that the use of nuclear energy causes thermal pollution.
- Nuclear energy is an alternate energy source as identified in the text.
- Since a huge amount of heat energy is generated and they are not all used up, they are released into the ecosystem.
- The earth is usually depicted as heat reservoir.
- Increased release of heat to the environment will cause thermal pollution.
- This increases the ambient temperature of water and degrades it.