<span>HWE is used with COIDS and non CODIS eligible DNA profiles to provide statistical caluclations for the rarity or uniqueness of profiles. Each STR kit test for a certian number of loci. Each lous has a set ladder of observed alleles. Each of these alleles has value for its observed frequency in a population. It is the rarity of each allele at each location that will give you the value for rarity of the profile as a whole. This rarity fo the profile is calucalted in CODIS under certian circumstances using to determine the eligibilty of a partial profile or a forensic mixture to determine its eligiblity for the different leves of the database.</span>
The answer is B
C pairs with G, T pairs with A but in RNA T is replaced with U so A pairs with U
I'm sure you'll find your answer some time soon
Yes, swollen lymph nodes are more common than some might think.
The medical terms for swollen lymph nodes are adenopathy or lymphadenopathy.
Lymph nodes play a vital role in fighting off sickness in the body. They act as a filter, trapping bacteria and viruses before they can spread too far.
Lymph nodes <em>typically</em> swell up as a response to bacteria or viruses. Though cancer can be a factor in swelling, it is very rare. Most commonly they are felt right below the corner of the jaw, in the neck. Yet, they are not only in the neck; they are all throughout the body. When they are swollen, they might feel tender or even painful.
765 areas in the united states