-6 and -6 because -6 + -6 = -12 , you could also have -8 and -4 because -8 + -4 = -12, or you could also have -10 and -2 because -10 + -2 = -12
Hello from MrBillDoesMath!
a(n) = (-n)^3 where n = 1,2,3,...
The pattern 1,8,27, 64... is immediately recognizable as the the cube of the positive integers. But this question has a minus sign appearing before each entry, suggesting we try this:
- 1 = (-1)^3
-8 = (-2)^3
-27 = (-3)^3
-64 = (-4)^3
That's what the problem statement asked for
. The answer is equivalently
-1 * (n^3)
Thank you,
Give me a picture of the problem and i will solve it
I can’t even see da the dawn question LOL