The force that pulls the moon toward Earth is called _Gravity_.
Gravity is the force that holds the planets in orbit around the sun and keeps the moon to orbit around Earth. the moon pulls the oceans towards it causing ocean tides, because of the gravitational pull. gravity creates planets and stars by pulling material together from which stars and planets are made.
True, you cant always have the ideal conditions in the real world
Protists = eukaryotic organisms tgat are mostly classfies as unicellular/ mostly seperate nuclear division phases of mitosis doesnt occur
for now we know that it is not d (bacteria) or a (too board)
c and b show describe a word called 'cell specialisation'
i think the answer is c since it is said to be mostly unicellular and we know that single cell doesnt have much specilaised cell
it dosent stop
yes which best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesiswhich best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesiswhich best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesiswhich best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesiswhich best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesiswhich best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesiswhich best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesiswhich best describes what happens to stop during photosynthesis