Water, you cannot survive without water.
- Name of author or authors.
- Year of publication.
- The title of the article.
- The title of the article.
- Volume.
- Issue.
- Page or pages.
- DOI.
Although there are not options available for this question, the correct format to present a reference of a journal article aimed to be part of a research paper is the following in order of presentation:
- Name of author or authors. The surname or last name should be the only name included, followed by the initials of the first name (s).
- Year of publication. <em>For example, Jones N. (2010).</em>
- The title of the article.
- The title of the article - should always be in italics.
- Volume.
- Issue.
- Page or pages.
- DOI.
This information is extremely important in order for your research paper to be backed-up by evidence and facts.
They also have a physical dependency on alcohol.
D. its release is stimulated by the pituitary gland.
It is called Rally, Return or Smash