The supreme court has its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government. the president and Congress, recognizes the limits of it's own power
Answer: The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right
Answer and Explanation:
A. Because plagiarism is a crime and contradicts an attorney's moral and ethical code. This takes away all the credibility of the lawyer, shows that he is not able to hold the position, in addition to showing that he acts in criminal activities of high gravity and therefore must be punished immediately and have his profession questioned.
B. The Iowa court referred to other cases involving plagiarism, which is the practice that allows someone else's works and words to be copied without due credit. Cases of plagiarism are very common and the Iowa court must treat everyone with the same severity in order for them to be fought.
An ideal Supreme Court may come accross as scary but, if we think about it it's like any other building. Ususally, it has many pillars suppoting it and is usually decorated in coulourless way.
Extra Information:
Here are some pictures for you to look at if you are stilll finding it difficult to imagine what a supreme court may look like
accurate identification of the person responsible,
fair adjudication, is noble because it means that the judge looks at all the evidence and makes a non biased decision based only on evidence.
rehabilitation and restoration is more noble because it keeps formal criminals from going back into crime and makes the country safer.